Gun Rights Restored from Felony Fifth Degree Sale of Controlled Substance Case
Kelly’s client, nearly 25 years prior, was convicted of Felony Fifth Degree Sale of a Controlled Substance (Methamphetamine). This was a troubled period of the client’s life, but, following his conviction, he worked to get sober and change his life around. The client is now well-known in his community for being an upstanding citizen. He had four children, bought a home, started several businesses, and frequently volunteered with local efforts. A Judge previously acknowledged these efforts at rehabilitation by granting the client an expungement, but the client later learned that the expungement did not restore his right to possess firearms. Kelly worked tirelessly with the court to get access to the sealed file, to learn the details of her client’s case, and to prepare a Petition for the restoration of his firearm rights. After Kelly spoke with the prosecutor about her client’s successful rehabilitation, the prosecutor agreed not to object to the petition, a rarity in Nicollet County. Ultimately, the Judge heard the case and promptly granted the client’s Petition, restoring his firearm rights and allowing him to finally move on from this offense.