Kelly’s Client Acquitted in Jury Trial for Felony Assault with a Dangerous Weapon
In January 2022, Kelly’s client got into a heated argument with his wife. Police were called by the wife’s family to do a welfare check, which resulted in Felony Second Degree Assault charges being filed against Kelly’s client for allegedly attacking his wife with a knife. Despite facts showing the wife had a tendency to overreact to situations, the prosecutor decided he had to ‘protect’ her and refused to offer reasonable settlement. Kelly’s client, with Kelly’s advice and confidence in his case, decided to present the case to a Scott County jury despite the client facing a possible felony conviction, the ruin of his career as a financial executive, and a possible prison sentence. Over the course of two weeks, Kelly presented evidence to show that the prosecutor’s characterization of the events was over dramatized. The jury agreed, acquitting her client of all charges allowing her client to walk out of the courthouse a free man.