Kelly Gets Continuance for Dismissal for Juvenile Client Who Stabs Brother
Kelly’s client, a 16-year-old high school student and star athlete, got into a typical sibling argument with her younger brother, but it turned violent when she grabbed a chef’s knife and slashed him several times, resulting in a gaping wound and several stiches. She was charged in Dakota County Juvenile Court with domestic assault. Kelly brought forth important context to the case, for example, that her client had recently started taking prescribed medication for seizures that made her mood uncharacteristically volatile. Ultimately, Kelly was able to negotiate a continuance for dismissal, where the client did not plead guilty nor admit any guilt, and the charge will be dismissed after six months as long as her client continues with therapy and counseling. Kelly’s client and her parents were relieved by this resolution and her client is now able to focus on school, therapy, sports, and repairing her relationship with her brother.