Kelly Expunges Client’s Felony Assault Conviction and Restores Her Gun Rights
When Kelly’s client was in high school she was called a derogatory slur by a classmate and punched him in the face in response, necessitating 14 stitches in his lip. She was ultimately adjudicated delinquent in Hennepin County Juvenile Court of Felony Third Degree Assault, which led to a lifetime loss of her gun rights. And, despite the fact it was a juvenile proceeding, in Minnesota, if you are age 16 or 17 and charged with a felony offense, records of the proceedings and outcome are public record and can show up on a background check. The public nature of the conviction troubled her client as it was a constant reminder of harassment and discrimination, and it was costing her job opportunities. Despite the serious nature of the conviction, Kelly was able to convince the judge to both grant an expungement and restore her client’s gun rights, letting her client finally put to rest a painful incident from her past.