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Over a 10-year period, from approximately 1992 – 2002, Kelly’s client was convicted in Ramsey County of Felony 3rd Degree Burglary, Aiding and Abetting Felony Third Degree Robbery, and in Anoka County of Felony 5th Degree Possession of a Controlled Substance. All three convictions were deemed to be ‘crimes of violence’ when they were committed and led to a lifetime firearms restriction. Since that time, Kelly’s client has worked hard to make amends, expressing remorse for his offenses, marrying and raising three children, and founding a youth foundation that takes at-risk children on guided fishing and hunting trips. Despite her client’s multiple convictions, Kelly was able to convince the judge that there was ‘good cause’ to restore his firearm rights. Petitioner was unable to take his children hunting but, with Kelly’s help, will now be able to teach his grandson how to hunt, while also becoming involved with the firearm activities of his foundation.